Bluestacks update can open app
Bluestacks update can open app

bluestacks update can open app

You might want to change a few of BlueStacks App Player's settings, particularly if you want to boost performance and image quality.Ĭlick the gear icon to the right hand side of the program tool and select Preferences. First, you'll be presented with a view that looks just like any Android phone or tablet in landscape mode. Once signed in, you can start setting up your virtual Android device. A little popup will appear in the lower right hand side of the screen whenever an installation completes. Meanwhile, you may notice that BlueStacks is busy installing a number of common apps in the background. This not only lets you participate in the BlueStacks community, it also gives you the option of synchronizing your apps and data with Android devices you own. The first time you fire up BlueStacks App Player, you'll be invited to sign into the program with your Google account. Click Next to agree to the terms of the license and run through the rest of the installation accept the default options and you'll be ready to roll in no time. Due to the size of the main file, you may find that this takes a few moments. Bear in mind that the download is more than 300MB, so it might take some time.ĭouble click the executable to start the installation and wait for the necessary files are extracted. First, download BlueStacks App Player (opens in new tab).

Bluestacks update can open app